about me


now that we've gotten the obvious out of the way

i'm a firm believer that you can get to know someone through the things they love, so here is a list of some random things i love:
  • sunny side up eggs (idk what it says about me that this is #1 on my list)
  • quality vine compilations (i feel like ive watched enough vine compilations to become a true vine connoisseur™
  • gavin memes
  • everything jane austen
  • trashing the things i hate (it rli is cathartic)
  • raleigh ritchie (his music is amazing listen to it!!!!!)
  • she's the man (my quintessential problematic fav)
  • parks and rec 
  • the good place (aka the best show on tv rn in my hümble opinion)
  • pride and prejudice (2005 & 1995)
  • emma (2009)
  • you've got mail 
  • tangled (i would die for flynn rider)
  • fav authors include: melina marchetta (i swear this woman's books feel like they were tailor-made for me), jane austen, leigh bardugo (aka the queen of fantasy), patrick ness, emma mills (her books are like a ray of sunshine), & rainbow rowell 
  • fav stories: anything with a focus on characters, but especially found family stories (à la the raven cycle or six of crows). also im a sucker for cute romantic sideplots

anyway, HI!!!! i hope you enjoy my inconsistent, sometimes rambly, sometimes gushing reviews 



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